Saturday, October 17, 2009

More from the dump

People at work
Two Jose's at the dump. The shorter one has worked here for 18 years

Carla and her brothers waiiting for some food.

A boy reading (aloud) his new bible.

A new load of trash coming in.


JMac said...

Thanks for the update. It's a good reminder of what life is like for people in less comfortable or opportunistic circumstances. I'd love to hear what y'all have been thinking and feeling since you've been in Central America/Nica/at the dump. I'm taking a class on Biblical Global Justice and it's raising a lot of questions and stirring some issues that I've swept aside in the past. Hard questions and lots of convicting realities in our present and past world (but hopefully less in our future).

Holly and I would love to talk to y'all sometime soon. I'm still bummed that I missed the call a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for doing what you're doing where you're doing it and with the people you're doing it with. I count myself somehow a part of it.

JMac said...

PS - your profile picture is disturbing